The DAAD-Stiftung takes over its first very own Stipendien-Patenschaft - and you can, too.

Ipeleng Kgatle is a music student from South Africa. She is majoring in singing at the Mannheim University of Music and Performing Arts.
The aspiring opera singer is fellow of the very first Stipendien-Patenschaft (individual scholarship) by the DAAD-Stiftung. She is being granted a so called TeilStipendium to support her study stay in Germany.
Generally, generous sponsors decide to donate a respective amount of money for a specific purpose: a Stipendien-Patenschaft for a student who fits certain criteria. Prof. Dr. Ulla Johansen is one of these Stipendien-Paten who combine their donation with a concrete intention. During the studies and well after, she is part of the student's life whose studies are supported thanks to her donations.
For the sake of completeness, it shall be mentioned that you can of course also support the DAAD-Stiftung without free (of a concrete purpose) donations.This is what e.g. Dr. Wolfgang Knapp does, who leaves it up to the foundation what his monetary contrebutions are being used for.
There are similarly generous sponsors, though, who decide to give money to the DAAD-Stiftung free of a specific purpose. After having reiceived a certain number of those donations the DAAD-Stiftung decided d turn them into yet another Stipendien-Patenschaft. The DAAD-Stiftung is proud to have found a worthy student to receive this fellowship.
Ipeleng Kgatle shares her story as a South African student in Germany with you as a "narrative" in order to give everybody interested an insight into what it feels like to be granted a scholarship from private money being donated by a "real person" and what a unique experience studying in a foreign country is.