Experience reports: Incoming


In this section international alumni of the DAAD-Stiftung who have been given a scholarship speak up.

Learn more about the experiences the young beneficiaries gained during their study or research stay and how that time influenced them in the long term.

Some time spent in a foreign country changes one's perspective - due to the different work environment as well as new intercultural understanding. Here you can read about how the alumni of the DAAD-Stiftung enjoyed their chance to gain new insight thanks to donations for a Stipendien-Patenschaft (sponsorship).

Canada, Forestry & Wood Sciences


On the one hand, Dehong Li discovered Göttingen's charm and culture. On the other, he focused on research into phase PCM for solar energy storage and temperature regulation. This innovative technology could improve building insulation by efficiently storing and releasing large amounts of heat.


Canada, Chemical Engineering


At the KIT, Dr. Athanasios Tountas researched the photochemical synthesis and reforming of chemicals and hydrogen carriers. His aim is to contribute to enabling the “hydrogen economy”.
In Karlsruhe, he was able to achieve valuable professional successes and establish personal contacts.


USA, Music


Is opera dying out as a genre in the USA? That is the fear of many experts. As a soprano, Viktoria Erikson has a natural interest in inspiring composers to create new pieces and enthusing audiences in her home country about classical music as a whole. She did research on this in Hamburg.


United Kingdom, Physics


The memory management of computers with Boolean algebra is increasingly reaching its limits, requiring new calculation methods and new hardware. William Henderson researched the non-linear interactions of spin waves for information transfer at the RTPU in Kaiserslautern.


Egypt, Medicine


Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases. Due to the severe side effects associated with traditional treatment methods, Abeer Elsharnoby is dedicated to developing new therapeutic approaches. This includes research into photodynamic therapy and polyphyrin-based macrocyclic structures, for which she came to the University of Bochum.


Ukraine, Law, Economics and Social Sciences


Dr. Gernego started her work at the MPI to research the possible scenarios of the development of the start-up industry under the conditions of the post-war recovery of the Ukrainian economy. Her results offer an encouraging view of the economic future of her home country.


Georgia, Law, Economics and Social Sciences


How do social responses to sexual offenses differ between Georgia and Germany? Irine Kherkheulidze applied comparative research on protection mechanisms against sexual violence at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) to identify the most effective approaches.


Canada, Engineering


Rainwater plays an important role in the global debate on environmental protection and sustainability. Helieh Abasi researched rainwater management and the minimization of negative environmental impacts at ifak Magdeburg. In the process, she gained insights into effective control methods for combined sewers.


Kyrgyzstan, Biology


During her research stay at TU Darmstadt, Prof. Dr. Gulmira Sariyeva worked on innovative methods that promise sustainable progress in the infestation of pome fruit plants. Her findings could provide significant new approaches to combating certain bacteria.


Slovenia, Criminology


What social damage does space technology cause and how does criminology respond to this? Iva Ramus Cvetkovic dealt with these challenges during her scholarship in Germany and tried to find answers, specifically in the field of astronomical environmental criminology.


Ukraine, Law, Economics and Social Sciences


Dr. Paslavska researched the structures of German administrative jurisdiction at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg as a possible model for Ukraine. She would like to use her findings for the future of her home country in the post-war period - including for the desired accession to the EU.


Ukraine, Political and Social Sciences


Dr. Sushyi came to Germany to conduct her research project at the University of Jena. She investigated strategies for post-conflict community reconstruction, focusing on assessing the political, cultural and psychological risk factors that are crucial for development in post-war Ukraine.


Canada, Mathematics


Assistance robots that learn about the brains of their users? Gautham Vasan firmly believes that this is possible. At the University of Freiburg, he combined two reinforcement learning algorithms so that the preference signals of those affected can be independently recorded and processed by the robot.


Greece, Archeology


Ioanna Kostopoulou completed a cotutelle doctorate at the universities of Ghent and Tübingen, which took longer than planned due to the pandemic. She had already enjoyed small-town life in Ghent and also felt very much at home during her archaeological research in Tübingen.


Russia, Ethnology


An alumna of the Ulla-Johansen Scholarship recommended Ms. Borisova to apply to this funding in order to research on "Gender stereotypes in modern Sakha society and their origins in traditional folklore" at the University of Hamburg. During her stay, she also took time to explore other parts of her host country.


Israel, Linguistics


Her study of Yiddish brought May Gilon to the German language. After two years of learning German, she was given the opportunity to test her knowledge for a month in Berlin thanks to a Dr. Gustav Winkler scholarship.


Israel, Aerospace Engineering


Saar Levi spent a month in Munich with the Dr. Gustav Winkler Scholarhip where he took an intensive language course in German. In his free time, he was exited not only by the parks and the architecture of Munich, but also by the opportunity to discover many other cities of Germany using the '9€ public transport ticket'.


Israel, Fine Arts


Thanks to a Dr. Gustav Winkler scholarship, Naomi Marberg was able to attend a German language class in Berlin. During her stay, she not only learned to enjoy the multicultural capital, but also expanded her knowledge of German which she plans to use in her future carrer as a stage designer.


Israel, Data Science


Eldar Abraham came to Berlin for a German language course on a Dr. Gustav Winkler Scholarship. During his four-week stay, he not only familiarised himself with everyday life in Germany, but also made new international friendships that have continued beyond the scholarship period.


USA, Music History


Emily Hicks was able to make significant progress on her doctoral project in music history through a two-month research stay in Augsburg based on the wealth of information in the local archives.
This was made possible for her by a Respekt & Wertschätzung Scholarship.


USA, Geology


During his research stay, Ethan Conrad not only got to know working at a German research institute, but he also experienced life in Germany's largest city. His research findings allowed him to take a big step towards an academic career and prepare for future challenges.


USA, Music


Thanks to a Respekt & Wertschätzung Scholarship, Gabriel Condon was able to conduct research on the culture of Sinti and Roma Jazz musicians at the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture in Berlin. His approach for this did not only involve theoretical, but also practical methods.


USA, Astronomy


Even though she spent only one month in Germany, Alexandra Baumgart took with her a lot of memories – both from an academic and a personal point of view. She acquired new academic skills and made valuable intercultural experiences that will help her in future projects.


Colombia, Astrophysics


Thanks to a UNICORE Scholarship of the DAAD-Stiftung, Hector Hortua Orjuela got the unique opportunity to conduct research in the field of Astrophysics at the renowned Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching and there, has made crucial progress in his research with the group for Information Field Theory.


USA, Geoscience


The Senckenberg am Meer research institute has a broad expertise in marine environments that makes it attractive for a lot of marine specialists. Katherine Turk had the opportunity to be one of those researchers and conduct research for her dissertation on behavioral evolution of priapulid worms there.


Pakistan, Political Science


During his research stay in Berlin, Sher Muhammad was able to experience the topics he usually deals with from a professional perspective in his private life as well. The Max G. Huber Scholarship beneficiary was able to make significant intercultural experiences for his personal life.


China, Ingenieurwesen


As the youngest scientist with a PhD ever to be funded by the DAAD-Stiftung, Yuying He was able to spend a few months as a guest scientist at RWTH with the help of the Asia Scholarship from a generous sponsor. She was already familiar with Aachen from an earlier stay.


Israel, Film and Television


Gal Hershkovitz came to Berlin for a German language course on a Dr. Gustav Winkler Scholarship, but she returned to Israel with many intercultural experiences. Additionally, she soaked up a lot of artistic inspiration that helps her in her studies of Film and Television.


Israel, European Studies


Abigail Chay received the Dr. Gustav Winkler Scholarship by the DAAD-Stiftung. Her stay in Germany, where she attended a language course, included two special events: a personal meeting with her sponsor and a visit to the Christmas market.


USA, Ethnomusicology


Thanks to the Respekt und Wertschätzung Scholarship, Jesse Freedman was able to spend some time doing research for his dissertation in Berlin. There, he cataloged recordings of Chilean artists in the former GDR during the Chilean dictatorship, primarily in archives.


Ecuador, Agricultural Economics


Maritza Satama Bermeo received the Nico Demann Scholarship by the DAAD-Stiftung. During her research time in Germany, she and colleagues succeeded in finalizing the second draft of the article "Why does the region matter? Sustainable agricultural practices adoption (...) during the pandemic".


Egypt, Pharmacy


Obtaining a PhD to pursue a career in science has long been Fady Baselious' goal. The Prof. Mahfouz Kassem Scholarship enabled him to conduct research in Germany, where he was very impressed by the city of Frankfurt and its Goethe University.


Greece, Archaeology


The extensive academic resources at the University of Heidelberg allowed Sotiria Kiorpe to complete a large part of her dissertation while on a 10-month research stay in Germany and even present some of her work at an international conference.


Yakutsk, Ethnology

nö. Uni Jakutsk

Thanks to the Ulla Johansen Scholarship, Dr. Sardana Nikolaeva achieved significant scientific goals during her time at Hamburg University, despite the Covid situation. She completed relevant parts of her dissertation and was able to submit several articles for publication.


Uruguay, Mathematics


The stay in Germany during pandemic times had a few disadvantages for Ms. Blasina Italiano especially in terms of networking and socializing. However, with regard to her career the research stay abroad was a full success.


Israel, History


Ido Zifroni was finally able to put his German knowledge into practice on a two month-language program in Berlin that was made possible by the Dr. Gustav Winkler Scholarship. On top of that, he found out about the falsehood of certain German stereotypes.


Israel, Singing


The language course in Berlin was an important enrichment for Shira Miriam Cohen's singing studies. The language students came from all over the world, which is why she not only learned about German culture, but also about international cultures and made friends from various countries.


Israel, Singing


Eliran Kadussi applied for the Dr. Gustav Winkler Scholarship in order to improve his German on site in Germany in context of his singing studies. He enjoyed his time in Berliln seeing operas at the Deutsche Oper Berlin, Komische Oper and a German production on Clara Schumann’s life at the Neuköllner Oper Berlin.


Yakutsk, Musicology


Since the subject of Dr. Fedosia Tabyisova’s research is dedicated to the personality and creative legacy of the Heidelberg musician and organist Arnolt Schlick, she chose the Hochschule für Kirchenmusik Heidelberg to expand her knowledge there - with the help of the Ulla Johansen Scholarship.


India, Law


Apurva Wankhede graduated from the National Law School of India University with a bachelor. Thanks to the DAAD-Stiftung, she was able to come to Germany for her master's degree and learn more about European and International Law at Saarland University.


Sacha (Yakutia), Ethnology

Ivan Antonov is a Russian doctoral student who was awarded the DAAD-Stiftung's Ulla-Johansen-Scholarship which allowed him to spend valuable time researching and interning at Hamburg University in Germany. He shares what this cultural and academic experiences has meant to him here.


Poland, German Studies


Mirela Kleimann was born in Poland where she attended the university in Wroclaw. After successfully completing her bachelor's degree, she began a master's in German studies and thanks to the Ilse Müller-Scholarship of the DAAD-Stiftung was able to take part in a language course in Germany.


Israel, Music Performance


Chen Holtzmann, both an US-American as well as an Israreli national, studied at the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music in Tel Aviv. Thanks to the support of the Gustav Winkler Scholarship of the DAAD-Stiftung, she was able to spend several weeks in Germany to complete a language course.


Greece, Archeology


Simela Efthymiadou, a Greek postgraduate student, began her academic career in classical philology. Reenrolling at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, she also obtained both a bachelor's and a master's degree in archeology. Thanks to the DAAD-Stiftung some of her doctoral research was conducted in Heidelberg.


Israel, Computer Science


It was a special experience for Guy Galun to get to know international students during his language course in Berlin, which he values very much. He became friends during his time of Dr. Gustav Winkler scholarship with some Turkish classmates, whom he later even visited in their home country.


Cameroon, Organic Chemistry


One of the most important reasons for Anita Guemkap to come to Germany was the opportunity to gain practical experience in the use of high-standard machines in a well-equipped laboratory. Thanks to the Eirene Scholarship by the DAAD-Stiftung, this was realized at the TU Dortmund.


Palestinian Territories, Veterinary Medicine

At the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover, Dr. Nimer Khraim completed his research project "Pain Management in Dairy Cows" with a Max G. Huber Scholarship. During his stay in Germany he met the Huber family, who had made the scholarship possible with an occasion-related donation.


India, European Law


It was, in fact, the discussions and tutorial classes that helped Shilpa Singh Jaswant to understand the application of EU law. In the end, she was awarded with the highest grades, her thesis was published as the best thesis and she was named one of the 15 best students at the EU Kolleg Hamburg.


Poland, Production Technology


Agata Borzestowska, born in Poland, studied Prudction Technology as a bachelor's degree at the Wroclaw University of Technology when she applied for a University Summer Course in Germany. Supported by the Ilse Müller-Scholarship of the DAAD-Stiftung she was able to attend such a programm in Frankfurt.


Israel, Physics


Lior Oppenheim, an Israeli bachelor's student, studied physics at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Thanks to the generosity of Dr. Gustav Winkler who chose to donate a scholarship to the DAAD-Stiftung, he was able to travel to Germany to attend an Intensive Language Course.


Greece, Classical Archeology

Lohmann / DAAD

Afroditi Vlachou studied classcial archeology at the university of Thessaly before obtaining a master's degree in museum studies in Athens. Thanks to Dr. Trumpf-Lyritzaki who specifically supports Greek students, she was able to conduct parts of her doctoral reseach in Germany.


Sacha (Yakutia), Ethnology


Aital Yakovlev is a Russian student who was supported by the DAAD-Stiftung thanks to a donated scholarship. Professor Johansen specifically contributes to the education of academics like Aital Yakovlev, originally from Yakutia and scientifically engaging with this cultural heritage and history.


Russia, Ethnology


Galina Belolyubskaya was able to advance her research in the field of Ethnology at the Max-Planck Institute for Social Anthropology with the help of an Ulla Johansen Scholarship. Additionally, she had the unique chance to meet her scholarship sponsor in person.


Afghanistan, Chemistry


Nargis Khakin was born in Afghanistan where she studied chemistry and worked as a higher education teacher. In 2011 she was able to move to Germany thanks to her StipendienPatin Dr. Monica Steegmann, allowing her to further educate herself and make valuable connections with fellow scientists.


Greece, Archeology


Konstantinos Korakianitis grew up in Athens. He persued a bachelor's degree in archeology und cultural history at the University of Crete, his master's in classical archeology was completed in 2011. As a beneficiary of the Maria Trumpf-Lyritzaki Scholarship he conducted part of his research in Germany.
